mercredi 18 mars 2009

Large retailers must display better prices

Following the decrease in raw material prices, the Secretary of State for Consumer Affairs Luc Chatel, again called upon the leaders of hyper and supermarkets to lower prices in their stores. The leaders have tentatively agreed, promising to renegotiate with their suppliers.

For distributors, who are the end of the chain before the consumer and which are most often designated as the beneficiaries of rising prices, do not show more transparency in the display of prices, with the computerization of commands, this should not be complicated labeled indicating the margin of each of the intermediaries.

The consumer would have useful information, like for example:
  • Producer = a
  • Supplier = a + b = c
  • Carrier = c + d = e
  • Distributor = e + f = final price
This transparency would highlight the true beneficiaries of rising prices.

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