Nokia will miss the crucial period of Yule concerning the launching of its new Smartphone, the N5800.
New Smartphone from Nokia, N5800, will be marketed before Christmas only in few emergent countries like India, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates, Hong-Kong, Taiwan and Russia. But in France and in other countries, it will be available only in the beginning of 2009. Apple and RIM will benefit a lot from this situation.
Nokia, worldwide mobile phone industry leader, had to react by launching a touch screen multi-media mobile in order to compete with Apple Iphone 3G or Blackberry of RIM. Consequently on the 3rd October 2008, Nokia announced the launching of Nokia 5800.
With already more than one year of delay within the launching process initially provided by the Finnish company, N5800 was to be marketed at the end of 2008 at the price of 400€ including all taxes (except grant operator).
However, a new delay has disturbed its introduction on the market. According to Nokia, the time-table of his new mobile launching process is similar to what it is observed from many other competitors products, It can be explained by the required time for personalization of compounds for each operator. "The integration of a tactile interface makes just more complicated this personalization, added the Finnish manufacturer" (Reuters)
The leadership of Nokia can be threatened on the market of Smartphones. Indeed, the market share of the Finnish company on this market fell in the third quarter of 2008 to 38,9%, against 51,4% one year ago over the same period. In the same time, Apple and RIM leaped respectively with market share of 17,3% and 15,2%.
This situation is quite similar to the error that Sony made when launching the Playstation 3 in Europe.There Sony could measure the consequences by selling less PS3 than Wii or Xbox 360. And as we have seen before, the positions in the smartphone market seem to be already established.
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