Today, there are many supermarkets (Auchan, Carrefour, etc. ..) each with its own brand name (eg Lidl: it is positioned on low prices and private label *)
Tomorrow, the pattern of competition between the supermarkets, consumers require their services several supermarkets today, are not widespread.
How to differentiate a brand from another in the market for mass distribution of the future? Here are some ideas:
- Security and monitoring of products:
Globalization very advanced in the world today, marked the arrival of foreign products with wide success. This success must of course be accompanied by a guarantee on product quality. French consumers are wary of shopping type Mottanai. Most of the French prefer to spend more for a quality product able to ensure their safety. (CF FOCUS contaminated Chinese milk in France)
- Price
We often think that the price is a major factor in the best case, if only most of the time, illustrating the fact that a large surface is to listen to these customers.
Today, it is no longer sufficient to have a position to convince price: it must certainly have competitive prices and attractive but also justify this by the decomposition of the price (some tests for security, for other associations " fair trade, etc ", purchase price and sale price" double labeling ").
- Promotions
In general, the major brands of distribution have already integrated the principle of loyalty marketing. The most reactive of them even carried over to their website to encourage their customers to take loyalty cards.
These actions are often highly valued and used by members of the 3rd age.
- The structuring of rays
Here is a PPT posted by intellego.fr
(To see the pptliens: http://www.intellego.fr/uploads/4/1/4150/files/L__implantation% 20marchandisage% 20en% 20GMS.pps)
The supermarkets of the future will continue their studies in the gain space of time of purchase to the consumer. Some brands have still not realized that over time the consumer goes to find their product, the more they increase the risk that it is not loyalty to these brands.
- Access for disabled
Finally a sign here that Auchan is developing a service tailored to hadicapé. The idea is simple, low part of the counter but allow foot to slip below to move side.
The logo "disability" is used in a glance to identify the facility that would have escaped my attention.
The idea is brilliant, super simple, costs nothing and makes life full of PRMs.
The supermarket of the future need to be adapted to all types of customers.
- Propose new ways to shop
Signs that succeed tomorrow are those that adapt to various needs of their customers to do their shopping.
If we take again a good example of Auchan, they have developed several ways of doing courses:
- Home delivery: AuchanDirect
They have understood, some people have more time to their race and thanks to this new way to shop, these new types of people (often professionals) earn a lot of time to fulfill their course via the Internet. After passing the order on the net, they need only wait for their courses be delivered.
The races to go: AuchanDrive
In stronger, halfway between the traditional and the purchase on the internet, the purchase order is to take a list of courses and just pick them up after work for example.
The aim is also to develop new methods of procurement for these purchases make it possible for people who can not move, or those who live in a remote village.
France is composed of several regions, each with their specific requirements. In the super markets of tomorrow, each store must have a cultural sensitivity depending on where it is located so that their customers can identify with them.
- Transparency:
The banner will happen to create an environment of transparency, production to sale of products has earned the trust of these clients. This entails establishing good relations with their producers and suppliers.